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Kevin Miller



1998 — 2002

B.A. Social History, Cal State Monterey Bay

Employment history


Technical Lead — Elections Team at US Digital Response

I manage a team of staff and volunteer engineers who build tools for jurisdictions around the country to run elections. We have made an entire infrastructure around using Airtable and other low-code tools along with traditional development best practices to ensure that these products are maintainable and scalable. With this platform, we have deployed four separate products to dozens of different jurisdictions.

2021 — 2022

Archivist — The COVID Tracking Project Archive at UCSF

After the COVIID Tracking Project ended, we wrote a grant to archive the entire project, including internal document, public communications, and the data itself. I wrote custom tools for archiving internall tools like Slack and Github issues for future researchers after the archive comes out of embargo.

2020 — 2021

Website Lead — The COVID Tracking Project

As the web team lead, I coordinated designers, developers, and data entry specialists to produce the most accurate website tracking COVID-19 in the United States. My team had 15-30 members at any time, within a project of over 900 volunteers. We won a Sigma Award and American Journalism Online Award for our reporting and visualizations.

2007 — 2019

Web Developer — Cal State Monterey Bay

I built and maintained custom web applications for the university, including Customer Relationship Management, Content Management Systems, and identity management.

As a long-term member of the web team, I hired two of the first User Experience professionals in the entire California State University system. They directed all my development work. We are responsible for the entire campus website across all departments.

I maintained and integrated with old legacy systems. SOAP and CSV files are my frenemies. I've also built modern message queued or PubSubHub integration broker solutions for real-time integration.

2010 — 2012

Lead Developer — California State University S4 Project

During my tenure at Cal State Monterey Bay, I developed a tool for students to register for placements in Service Learning and internship programs. The CSU Chancellor's office picked up the project, and I developed a single tool for all 24 campuses. After the project gained enough momentum, we hired a position to take it up full time.

2003 — 2004

Farmer — Ono Loa Orchards

Lived in an eight-foot-by-eight-foot shack on the Big Island of Hawaii. Grew jackfruit and lychee.

Public service

2016 — 2019

Chair — Surfrider Foundation, Monterey Chapter

I led a rag-tag group of volunteers who are passionate about protecting the coastline and beaches. I wrote grants, managed communications, and build new programs for a growing conservation movement. With local partners, we successfully closed the last coastal stand mine in the US.

2014 — present

Salinas River Recreation Guide

Documenting the entirety of the Salinas River, it's culture, it's people, and the different ways to access the river for recreation.


May 4, 2021

Keynote, csv,conf

Delivered a keynote along with three other colleagues about our work at the COVID Tracking Project.

March 3, 2021

Gatsby for Emergency Response- Lessons from The COVID Tracking Project

How do you build a data-intense site for millions of users in less than a month? Learn what Kevin did for The COVID Tracking Project.